象彦創業三百六十周年 十代 西村彦兵衛襲名 記念作品

鍾馗蒔絵 飾箱


The legend of “Shoki”, who appeared to a groaning emperor in his dream and cured him of his illness by vanquishing demons, led to Chinese belief in Shoki as a god to ward off evil spirits, which was introduced to Japan at the end of the Heian period.
In the Warring States period, some warlords used to draw the majestic Shoki on their banners and haori (coat of arms) to pray for good luck.
In Kyoto, the statue of Shoki is placed on roofs to ward off evil spirits.
We have expressed the powerful figure of Shoki in maki-e lacquerware.

  • 鍾馗蒔絵 飾箱
  • 鍾馗蒔絵 飾箱
